What you don't expect, when you're expecting.

Who isn't excited to find out the gender of their newest little addition? We were so excited to see if Gabriel would finally get his wish for a little sister, or if we'd have another little boy to add to the band.

We waited as the tech checked out our baby,but were caught off guard when she left the room, and then came back with my midwife. Our midwife took my hand as we looked at the screen again, and she pointed and said "something's not right with his heart. I'm so sorry but something is seriously wrong with his heart." She rubbed my shoulder and said she needed to make a phone call. 

She quickly contacted a specialist to see us right away that day.The perinatal specialist also performed a lengthy sonogram and confirmed that there was something wrong with the heart, which appeared to the doctor as only having one heart chamber, instead of the typical 4 chambers.

Last week we met with the fetal cardiologist. After waiting for an hour in the waiting room, and another long sonogram, we sat down with the cardiologist who informed us that the baby has 4 chambers, but that the 2 left chambers are very underdeveloped, and will not grow in the undeveloped areas. This condition is known as Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS). It is a rare condition that affects about 1 in 5000 babies, and varies in severity. How severe, we do not yet know in little Devin's case.

HLHS untreated is fatal, but there is now a series of operations available to help children live a somewhat normal life. Our little guy will need to have open heart surgery within 3-7 days after he is born. The first surgery of the 3 is the most crucial and presents the highest risk, as you can imagine, in a newborn. We will be praying the Lord would strengthen Devin's heart to sustain and his body would except the first surgery. He will then need a surgery at 6 months, and at 3 years old.

NONE of this is what you expect, when you are expecting. Yet Dan & I have felt great peace through much of this. We still can’t believe this is happening, but trust it is happening for a reason. That this little life has a great purpose we cannot grasp right now, but we are going to fight for him and battle in prayer over him, and trust that the Lord will strengthen, sustain, and fulfill his purpose for this little man as he grows, and teaches us all a thing or two about the sovereignty of God.

There are going to be lots of appointments ahead, so we just ask for your continued prayers for the baby, for Dan & I, and for the boys. We told the boys about it this week. Gabriel (7) and Christian (5) kind of comprehend it. Jude (2 1/2) doesn't even know how his world is going to be rocked...maybe none of us do.

 We've been finding notes and pictures Gabriel will draw of he & Devin, scribbles of broken hearts, and prayer request cards filled out at church, and we can tell this is harder on him then we thought it would be. Christian just says he's so sad about his baby, cries whenever I do, but he has so much faith that God can just heal him, and the doctor's won't see anything wrong next time. So they are both blessing us with their sweet hearts.

 We have scheduled an appointment with a second fetal cardiologist next week, just to explore our options since we only get one shot at this first surgery. So we just ask for peace about the cardiologist & surgeon we decide on. That will greatly increase Devin's success and chance at life.

We love and appreciate you all so much. We already can see how the Lord is using this little man in our lives to mold us and shape us to be more like Him.

For the next 20(ish) weeks, we will just continue life as normal, and prepare as we can for the long road ahead!

-Dan & Stefanie Rose

 “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”

Romans 15:13


  1. Praying without ceasing. Much love to all of you.
    The Scott Family

  2. Praying for you and sweet baby Devin. We love you all and are here for you if you need anything... please don't hesitate to let us know! My heart aches for your pain... but my heart also delights in your faithfulness. Praying for God's peace over Devin, over the doctors, over your decisions, and over the boys. Love you girl - Karin

  3. Oh,Stef...we will be praying diligently for sweet baby Devin. Praying that the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in your journey ahead. Praying also for a miracle in the womb...that, be it the Lord's will, he will develop that little heart w/o surgical intervention.

  4. It will be so neat to watch God's faithfulness continue to unfold on this very blog. Praying for baby Devin and all of the Rose family!

  5. Standing with you in prayers sister!

  6. Praying for yall. Praying for God to give you a peace and hope for the coming months. When we were in the hospital with Reid (HRHS) we prayed Matthew 7:7-11 over him everyday. Praying for your heart warrior!!


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